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AllIncontext Specific OIDs

The following specific Object Identifiers (S_OIDs) are defined for the AllIncontext Limited Sub Tree.

  • 1.2.826.0.1.4624520.1.2.1 - The AllIncontext Limited Pkcs9AttributeObject for Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) time. By default the NTP Server is This is a pool of servers accessed by the round-robin method.
    Some AllIncontext Limited programs allow you to define your own preferred NTP server. For example in the UK you might want to access the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) NTP server at (note: this url might be subject to change at any time, so consult the NPL website for up-to-date urls).
    By default, an NTP server is accessed using the UDP protocol on Port 123. If this port is not open through your firewall you cannot send and receive an NTP time transmission. In this case you need to check that your local, or company, security policy allows its use, and then check that the port is open.
  • 1.2.826.0.1.4624520.1.2.2 - The AllIncontext Limited Added Value Ticket (AVT) OID. This appears in an AllIncontext Limitied issued X509 Digital Certificate as a URL Name Subject Alternative Name (URL SAN). The form is:{AVT number}

    The Web page displayed will tell you if that Ticket number is Assigned or Not Assigned.

    The AllIncontext X509 v3 End Entity Digital Certificate is issued for Email Enhanced Key Usage and also permits AllIncontext software Programs to be run concurrently instead of one at a time. The Certificate permits the encryption and decryption of Email messages and attachments, and the encryption of non-P7M filetypes and the decryption of P7M filetypes when used in conjunction with the AllIncXF4Cloud software Program.

    Note: There is a requirement to install the Allincontext Root and Intermediate Certificate Authority Certificates to complete a valid Certificate Chain to the End Entity Certifcate. These will normally be installed into the Windows User Certificate Store. Currently AllIncontext X509 Certificates use SHA512 for signatures (RSASHA512) and RSA with 4096 bits for the encryption and decryption of AES 128 bit symmetric keys which are used to encrypt and decrypt the bulk data.

AllIncontext Limited is registered in England, No 04624520. Registered office address: 12-14 High Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3JG.

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