Browser User Agents
One of the most comprehensive sites
listing User Agent strings for Browsers, Robots and Spiders is at the following link. This site can be searched for
matches but the basic layout is a table listing entries categorized by the first letter of the User Agent. The list is
split into parts accessed by the links
N-S and
T-Z. The
A-Z link includes additions and
those User Agents not starting with an alphabetic character:
Psychedelix (Be careful. See the note below)
The above site was developed by
Andreas Staeding and these links,
will search Google for matches, just in case you want to check whether the site has suffered from problems.
Spiders and Robots can be excluded from your site if you have a
robots.txt file, but this won't deter those who seek
email addresses and other information for the purposes of spam. If you need to know more about the exclusion of robots
from your site, see the following link:
The Web Robots pages (Be careful. See the note below)
The above site was developed by
Martin Koster
and this
link will search Google for matches,
just in case you want to check whether the site has suffered from problems.
Note: The safety of arbitrary links on a web page cannot be guaranteed. Ensure that the Internet Zone of your browser has Active Scripting
(i.e. Javascript) disabled. This prevents a good proportion of potential security breaches.
Why does Note above have a link? If the page grows in future, clicking that link will scroll the page down to the word
Note which is an anchor tag with a Name attribute.